2017-09-25 14:53:57


Labor cost, labor is difficult to make the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta large number of enterprises to the digital, networked, intelligent control has a huge demand, Chinese mechanical engineering society of science and technology advisory committee, deputy director of the flexor wise 24 said in Lisbon.


Labor cost, labor is difficult to make the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta large number of enterprises to the digital, networked, intelligent control has a huge demand, Chinese mechanical engineering society of science and technology advisory committee, deputy director of the flexor wise 24 said in Lisbon.


Labor cost, labor is difficult to make the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta large number of enterprises to the digital, networked, intelligent control has a huge demand, Chinese mechanical engineering society of science and technology advisory committee, deputy director of the flexor wise 24 said in Lisbon.

    目前,各个国家都纷纷“出招”以求抢占“智能制造”高地。论坛上,德国蒂森克虏伯集团公司全球首席技术官Reinhold Achatz介绍了德国企业转型之路,指出德国企业要在迎合数字化的趋势和过程当中,打造新的竞争实力,“比如,我们会通过网络把信息传输给供应商,美国和欧洲的供应商接到单子之后将在第一时间获取所需原料进行生产,从而大大缩减整个设计和生产的流程。”
    韩国科学技术研究院研究生院院长Jae-Min Hong指出,尽管对于建设“智能工厂”尚有争议,韩国已投资了很多智能化项目来为未来的高端制造浪潮做准备。

Labor cost, labor is difficult to make the pearl river delta, Yangtze river delta large number of enterprises to the digital, networked, intelligent control has a huge demand, Chinese mechanical engineering society of science and technology advisory committee, deputy director of the flexor wise 24 said in Lisbon.


