2017-10-15 16:13:12




At this stage, iot technology is applied to industrial machinery equipment operation management. The enterprise can get real-time data streams about device performance, workload, pressure and many other important variables in real time through the Internet of things. Analyze these data to understand and predict when mechanical equipment needs to be maintained.
航空和化学等行业的应用案例就是物联网实际应用的有益尝试。物联网应用的路线图也因为这些案例初步形成。它通常从企业资产管理(EAM,Enterprise Asset Management)开始,并且沿着可见性和自动化这条线继续延伸——智能制造业的未来由此将更具革命性。
At this stage, iot technology is applied to industrial machinery equipment operation management. The enterprise can get real-time data streams about device performance, workload, pressure and many other important variables in real time through the Internet of things. Analyze these data to understand and predict when mechanical equipment needs to be maintained.
At this stage, iot technology is applied to industrial machinery equipment operation management. The enterprise can get real-time data streams about device performance, workload, pressure and many other important variables in real time through the Internet of things. Analyze these data to understand and predict when mechanical equipment needs to be maintained.
很多制造企业都可以参考这样的成功应用案例。Infor EAM 是市场上可配置性最佳的企业级资产运行管理解决方案。它通过增加可靠性、加强预测性维护、降低能源消耗以及支持可持续发展计划等方式,让企业能够改善资本资产运行管理。
At this stage, iot technology is applied to industrial machinery equipment operation management. The enterprise can get real-time data streams about device performance, workload, pressure and many other important variables in real time through the Internet of things. Analyze these data to understand and predict when mechanical equipment needs to be maintained.
At this stage, iot technology is applied to industrial machinery equipment operation management. The enterprise can get real-time data streams about device performance, workload, pressure and many other important variables in real time through the Internet of things. Analyze these data to understand and predict when mechanical equipment needs to be maintained.
At this stage, iot technology is applied to industrial machinery equipment operation management. The enterprise can get real-time data streams about device performance, workload, pressure and many other important variables in real time through the Internet of things. Analyze these data to understand and predict when mechanical equipment needs to be maintained.



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