2017-10-15 13:21:31

 3D打印是近年来的一个热门话题,无论是业界抑或是互联网,其身影随处可见。它源于实验室, 本活跃于制造业的顶尖领域, 却又突然以桌面机型的形式进入寻常百姓家,而今又以塑料、树脂、金属和陶瓷等多种增材制造方式在制造业中普及起来。

3D printing is a hot topic in recent years, whether it is the industry or the Internet, its figure everywhere. It is derived  f rom the laboratory, the top field is active in the manufacturing sector, but suddenly in the form of desktop models into the homes of ordinary people, and now with plastic, resin, metal and ceramics and other additive manufacturing way popular in manufacturing industry.


The introduction of 3D printing technology in the product design and development process can greatly shorten the development time and reduce development costs. In the mold development process, mold trial production, special parts processing and mold repair can be used in 3D printing technology.

熔模精密铸造是一种常见的高精度产品铸造技术, 其生产流程大致可分为注蜡模具设计制作、制作蜡样、砂壳制作、浇注、后期处理以及检验6个步骤。

Precision casting technology is a high precision casting products common, its production process can be divided into wax injection mold design and production of wax s ample, sand shell production, casting, processing and testing of 6 steps.


    We will introduce 3D printing technology in the two aspects of wax injection mold design, manufacture and wax production. In the development of stainless steel casting products, s mall batch customization often encountered tableware, tap or try.


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  • G型 光纤激光打标机 光纤激光打标机由我公司运用现今世界上最为先进的激光技术,研制而成的第三代激光打标机系统。采用光纤激光器输出激光,再经超高速扫描振镜系统实现打标功能,光纤激光打标机电光转换效率高,采用风冷方式冷却,整机体积小巧,输出光束质量好,可靠性高,超长的运行寿命,节能,可雕刻金属材料和部分非金属材料,主要是应用于对深度、光滑度、精细度要求较高的领域,如手机不锈钢饰片、钟表、模具、IC、手机按键等行业,位图打标,可在金属,塑料等表面标刻出精美的图片,且打标速度是传统的第一代灯泵浦打标机、第二代半导体打标机的3~12倍。
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