2017-11-28 09:33:31


The growth rate of industrial robots in the domestic market is very fast, and it has become the largest industrial robot market in the world. It is expected that in 2017, the domestic robot market will reach 6 billion 280 million US dollars this year, with an average growth rate of 28% in the past 5 years. Among them, the industrial robot market is up to 4 billion 220 million US dollars, and the proportion of robots in all kinds of robots is up to 67%.


For the industrial robot industry in China, the widening application level and the domestic substitution rate have become the key factors for the development of the two big profit industries. F rom the perspective of application level expansion, besides 3C, textile and garment industries, new energy vehicles, food and beverage, photovoltaic, teaching and other industries are also areas of robot use.


F  rom the domestic substitution rate, Huatai Securities Research Report, abb, FANUC, Yaskawa, KUKA and other foreign giants, more than 60% Chinese in market share, more than six axis robots share of over 90%, has obvious monopoly advantage. In this context, the grasp of the core technology will be the inevitable way for the rise of domestic robots.


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