2017-12-08 16:12:45


On December 7, on the "2017 China intelligent manufacturing assembly", multiple intelligent manufacturing project contract, involving the investment of 30 billion yuan.The expert points out, more cars, gree electric appliances and other companies in China smart investment, power transformation and upgrading of enterprises.A new generation of intelligent manufacturing will speed up the promotion, companies could usher in a new development opportunity.


On December 7, on the "2017 China intelligent manufacturing assembly", multiple intelligent manufacturing project contract, involving the investment of 30 billion yuan.The expert points out, more cars, gree electric appliances and other companies in China smart investment, power transformation and upgrading of enterprises.A new generation of intelligent manufacturing will speed up the promotion, companies could usher in a new development opportunity.


On December 7, on the "2017 China intelligent manufacturing assembly", multiple intelligent manufacturing project contract, involving the investment of 30 billion yuan.The expert points out, more cars, gree electric appliances and other companies in China smart investment, power transformation and upgrading of enterprises.A new generation of intelligent manufacturing will speed up the promotion, companies could usher in a new development opportunity.


On December 7, on the "2017 China intelligent manufacturing assembly", multiple intelligent manufacturing project contract, involving the investment of 30 billion yuan.The expert points out, more cars, gree electric appliances and other companies in China smart investment, power transformation and upgrading of enterprises.A new generation of intelligent manufacturing will speed up the promotion, companies could usher in a new development opportunity.





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