2018-06-01 16:05:52


According to introducing, wujiang owns huge manufacturing industry cluster, fostering formed billions of level industry, levels of billions and billions of market, the number of private enterprises in the nearly 6 m, about 1900 foreign investment enterprises, one of the world top 500 enterprises, four Chinese enterprise 500 strong, five top 500 private enterprises in China. Last year, the regional GDP totaled 1789 billion yuan and the general public budget revenue reached 18.35 billion yuan.


In recent years, according to the demands of the development of high quality in wujiang, closely around the "area of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry and area", made a decision to deploy, with the development of intelligent industry for more than three years, we finished the smooth implementation of intelligent industry "155" plan, set up the 105 intelligent industrial demonstration enterprises, 502 pilot enterprises, led to more than


According to the introduction, the theme of this conference, "charming wujiang, creating a bright future" and the media of robot and intelligent manufacturing, provide a good opportunity and platform for accelerating the gathering of high-level talents.





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