瑞士托纳斯TORNOS 多轴车床汽车零部件行业应用案例解析
2017-08-30 11:04:24

 瑞士托纳斯TORNOS 多轴车床汽车零部件行业应用案例解析

Analysis on the Application Case of TORNOS Multi - axle Lathe Auto Parts Industry in Switzerland

瑞士托纳斯TORNOS 多轴车床,经过50多年验证的成熟的汽车行业解决方案。瑞士托纳斯TORNOS是汽车行业制造商和供应商最佳的合作伙伴。

Switzerland TONOS TORNOS multi-axis lathe, after 50 years of proven mature automotive industry solutions. Switzerland TONOS TORNOS is the best partner for the automotive industry manufacturers and suppliers.

瑞士托纳斯TORNOS 多轴车床汽车零部件铝材加工应用案例

Switzerland TONNOS TORNOS multi - axis lathe automotive parts aluminum processing applications


瑞士托纳斯TORNOS 多轴车床汽车零部件不锈钢加工应用案例

Switzerland TONNOS TORNOS multi - axis lathe auto parts stainless steel processing applications


瑞士托纳斯TORNOS 多轴车床汽车零部件黄铜加工应用案例

Switzerland TONNOS TORNOS multi - axis lathe auto parts brass processing application case


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