在 9 月 18 -23 日于德国汉诺威举办的欧洲机床展 (EMO) 上舒勒展示这台设备的3D模型-MSE 2000 型伺服锻造压力机。((15 号展厅,E29 展位)
At the European Machine Tool Exhibition (EMO), held in Hannover, Germany, on September 18-23, Schuler demonstrated the 3D model of this equipment, -MSE 2000 type servo forging press. ((Hall 15, E29 booth)
“与传统的锻造压力机相比,我们最新研发的 MSE 2000 锻造压力机可以在相同的时间内生产出更多的锻件,”舒勒万家顿公司的工业部负责人 Johannes Linden 说到。“模具的使用寿命获得了显著地提升。同时,整个设备能耗也得以降低。”
Compared with the traditional forging press, our newly developed MSE 2000 forging press can produce more products at the same time, "Schuler Weingarten, Ministry of industry leader Johannes Linden said. The service life of the mold has been remarkably improved. At the same time, the energy consumption of the whole equipment is also reduced."
这主要得益于安装在这台 2000 吨位锻造压力机上部的高动态性能伺服驱动装置。该驱动装置可以精准控制模具接近以及离开锻件时的速度:在锻件传送过程中采用较低的速度,而锻造成形过程则采用较高的速度。到目前为止,常规的压力机无法实现这种速度控制,因此,最慢的分工艺流程就会影响到整个工艺过程的时间。而伺服直驱技术使该问题迎刃而解,生产效率得到显著提升。
This is mainly due to the high dynamic performance servo drive installed on the top of the 2000 tonnage forging press. The driving device can precisely control the speed of the die approaching and leaving the forging: the lower speed is adopted during the forging process, and the forging process adopts a higher speed. So far, the conventional press has failed to achieve this speed control, so the slowest process will affect the whole process time. The servo direct drive technology to solve the problem, production efficiency has been significantly improved.
MSE 2000 型压力机的工作台顶出器也具有独立的伺服驱动装置,不再需要像旧式压力机那样和主驱动装置联动。这不仅增加了锻件传输的灵活性,同时也加速了生产过程。通过将传动机构中的纵轴改为横轴设计,两个偏心轮按照相反的方向旋转,设备的运行状况变得更加平稳。
The ejector of the MSE 2000 press also has an independent servo drive that no longer needs to link with the main drive like an old press. This not only increases the flexibility of the forging transmission, but also accelerates the production process. By changing the vertical axis of the drive mechanism to the horizontal axis, the two eccentric wheels are rotated in opposite directions, and the running condition of the equipment becomes more stable.