新模式“共享机床” 助力辽宁工业转型升级
2017-09-24 11:23:08


The machine tool industry, was once a piece of a gilded signboard of northeast economy. However, the industry is “big but not strong”, and it is also a typical example of northeast heavy industry that needs urgent transformation and upgrading.


In the background of the intelligent development of the equipment manufacturing industry, Liaoning machine tool enterprises to break the shackles, to explore new mode of “sharing machine”, has become a new breakthrough point of transformation and upgrading. With the rapid development of the new service industry, Liaoning s “third industry masters”has shown a new trend of coordinated development.


Shenyang machine tool investment about 1000000000 yuan, developed with intelligent and interconnected functions of the i5 intelligent control system, equipped with this system of machine tools, has been widely known as “sharing machine tools.”.


In the name of “sharing”, “share machine tools”, identify the fulcrum of innovation drive, revitalize existing resources and maximize the value. Machine tool enterprises to abandon the original “hardware”thinking mode, the industrial tools open to the market, a small change, leveraging enormous possibilities.


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