2017-11-03 08:59:55


In October 29th, the Xinxiang municipal government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with SIASUN Shenyang robotics automation Limited by Share Ltd on SIASUN robotics Industrial Park project.


Shenyang SIASUN robot Limited by Share Ltd is a robot technology as the core, committed to intelligent products and services listed high-tech enterprises, belonging to the Chinese academy, is the world s most complete product line of robot manufacturers, one of the largest robotics industry base;


Xinxiang SIASUN robot industrial park project total investment of 5 billion yuan, mainly the construction of "four platform base" intelligent manufacturing industry innovation service platf orm, the robot industry research and innovation base, robot equipment and spare parts production base, "Chinese manufacturing industry base and 2025" robot production integration of the city service base.


  • 深孔强力珩磨床 - 2M2135 深孔强力珩磨床 - 2M2135,2M2135,金属加工机械 - 磨床,德州德隆(集团)机床有限责任公司,深孔强力珩磨床 - 2M2135价格及其他相关信息
  • YYJST系列齿轮减速变频调速三相异步电动机 158机床网——YYJST型齿轮减速变频调速电动机是齿轮箱与电动机直接联结,齿轮箱与电动机联结是采用斜齿轮多点啮合连接以增大齿轮的强度和降低噪声,所有齿轮均经过特殊工艺处理。电动机是采用180~750W小功率三相电动机。电机安装方式有底脚安装和法兰凸缘安装两种形式。电机结构紧凑,运行可靠,噪声低,选用不同速比的齿轮箱,即可获得不同的转速与转矩;在需调速的场合,通过变频器,可实现无级调速。具有宽范围恒转矩调速性能,调速平稳,无转矩脉动等一系列特点,广泛应用于冶金、石油、化工、医药、纺织、印刷、包装等行业机械、自动化设备及机床等领域。