2018-01-19 09:33:58

  On January 10 at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Committee of Dongguan City, Mayor Liang Weidong summarized and analyzed the economic development in 2017 and deployed 2018 work.
  2017年,东莞经济运行总体稳中有进,质量效益不断提升,不少成绩都是“近年之最”。预计可以完成全年任务,迈入7000 亿俱乐部。
  In 2017, the overall economic operation of Dongguan was steady with steady improvement in quality and efficiency. Many achievements are "the most recent year". Expected to complete the annual task, into the 700 billion club.

  Doubling plans, signing major projects, water battles, urban quality three-year plans to enhance the park co-ordinating development, the development of sub-developed cities to speed up development ...... In the past 2017, Dongguan vigorously promote a series of key tasks to promote the city s economic development Maintaining a stable and progressive economy and a favorable momentum in the medium and long term, the growth of many major economic indicators was better than expected.
