近日,来自哈佛大学的工程师研发出了世界上最小版本的机械臂,叫MilliDelta。就像名字所暗示的那样--Millium+Delta,即最小化的Delta,它只有几毫米,能进行精准的挑选、包装和生产工作,甚至还能在一些微创手术得到运用。MilliDelta由一个复合层压结构和多个柔性接头制成,除了能够实现跟全尺寸Delta机器人一样的灵巧性,它还能在小至7立方毫米的空间内运行且能将精准度控制在5微米。MilliDelta自身的尺寸规格则也只有15 x 15 x 20毫米。
Recently, engineers f rom Harvard University have developed the smallest version of the world s robotic arm called MilliDelta. As the name implies, --Millium+Delta, the smallest Delta, is only a few millimeters, which can be used for precise selection, packaging and production, and even for some minimally invasive surgery. The MilliDelta consists of a composite laminated structure and a plurality of flexible joint is made, in addition to the implementation of dexterity as full size Delta robot, it can be as small as 7 cubic millimeter in space and can be controlled in 5 micron precision. The size of MilliDelta itself is also only 15 x 15 x 20 mm.