2018-03-15 16:41:54


manufacturing industry, transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises with more demanding of intelligent manufacturing requirements, problem in them is push to improve the level of service information, progress the driving force of professional and technical. We construct intelligent decision-making level by building intelligent brain-artificial intelligence API platform, and provide strong support for enterprises to realize intelligent decision-making.

时下,正值全国两会召开之际,代表们紧跟时代趋势,积极提出建设“中国制造 2025”国家级示范区,发展“智能制造“和“智能服务”,培养大国工匠人才等多项建议。“中国制造2025” 是在新的国际国内环境下,我国立足于国际产业变革趋势,作出的全面提升制造业发展质量和水平的重大战略部署,其根本目的在于改变中国制造业“大而不强”的局面,最终实现制造强国的伟大目标。而智能制造正是实现这目标的最主要手段。其中,智能服务又从软硬件两大方面为制造企业实现智能制造提供了强大、全面的支持,保证我国智能制造的快速发展与推进。随着我国智能制造在全国的广泛铺开,一大批致力于智能制造服务的企业成为促进我国智能制造发展的中坚力量。其中,我国智能工厂整体解决方案提供商的佼佼者——易往信息便是这一领域的杰出代表。十五年来,易往信息通过不懈努力,已成功帮助众多制造企业实现智能化转型升级,让其在新的竞争形势下,占得先机。

Nowadays, when the national annual meeting, the delegates following the era trend, actively put forward the construction of the "made in China 2025" national demonstration zone, development, manufacturing "smart" and "smart" service, talent of education powers craftsmen such as a number of recommendations.


manufacturing industry, transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises with more demanding of intelligent manufacturing requirements, problem in them is push to improve the level of service information, progress the driving force of professional and technical. We construct intelligent decision-making level by building intelligent brain-artificial intelligence API platform, and provide strong support for enterprises to realize intelligent decision-making.

身在制造业的一线,我们很清楚,目前仍有众多制造企业处于转型的初期阶段,随着智能制造产业迅猛发展,制造企业提供更为严苛的智能制造转型升级需求,困扰他们的难题正是鞭策易往信息提高服务水平、精进专业技术的源动力。我们通过建立智造大脑-人工智能API平台构建易往智能决策层级,为企业实现智能决策提供强大支撑;通过高级供应链计划与工业大数据系统n-Join相互协同,解决企业生产的运营难题;通过FlexEngine Apollo智能生产执行系统、FlexEngine Athena高级计划与排程系统、FlexEngine Venus仓储管理系统三大模块化系统共同构成易往解决方案的核心——智能生产;成立江苏易往智能装备有限公司,入驻面积30.9平方公里人的泰州新能源产业园区,立足泰州,辐射周边区域,为制造企业提供自动化立库、机器人、AGV、柔性生产线等软硬件协同的解决方案,实现智能装备领域成功布局。

In manufacturing line, we are very clear, at present there are still many manufacturing enterprises in the early stages of transition, with the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing industry, transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises with more demanding of intelligent manufacturing requirements, problem in them is push to improve the level of service information, progress the driving force of professional and technical. We construct intelligent decision-making level by building intelligent brain-artificial intelligence API platform, and provide strong support for enterprises to realize intelligent decision-making.




