2018-04-03 14:53:36

一直以来,面对互联网企业,传统企业一直谦虚的学习者,学习他们领先的互联网思维和对用户体验的高度关注以及大胆创新的精神。当然,与此同时,更要警惕他们随时可能发起的跨界颠覆,这种随时可能不期而至的跨界颠覆一度让很多传统企业的管理者生活着高度焦虑之中。根据IBM 2015年全球最高管理层调研报告提到的数据,当年有“54%的企业高管预期来自其他行业的竞争将增加”。

n the face of Internet companies, traditional enterprises have always been humble learners, learning their leading Internet thinking and the high attention to user experience and the spirit of bold innovation. , of course, at the same time, be aware they are more likely to initiate the crossover of subversion

不过,进入去年,这一切似乎悄悄地在发生改变,IBM 2017全球最高管理层调研中此数据下降了一半,仅为26%。IBM研究人员将这一改变背后的原因解读为传统企业的逆袭,认为在创新的道路上传统企业正从跟随者变成领跑。



Deep most of the traditional enterprise in the industry, they cultivated for a long time in the industry, accumulated very rich experience, they also is very important in industry, it is not easy to shake. In fact, we see today that these companies are fighting back against emerging companies, and they are not as anxious as they were a few years ago. In an interview, ma junyan, general manager for greater China at IBM global enterprise consulting services, said in an interview.


The investigation of the director of the IBM institute for business value, shi jie explained, traditional enterprise background, the enterprise has the production and business operation of each link, products and services related to link behind, and the stakeholders of the enterprise (including the industrial


chain upstream and downstream enterprises) and other aspects of the data. The next wave of technology represented by artificial intelligence will enable traditional enterprises to use AI technology to give full play to their unique advantages in the field of expertise and surpass Internet start-ups. Interestingly, Chinese


companies are more proactive than their foreign counterparts in the application of new technologies such as AI or cognitive technology to improve customer experience.

IBM 2017年全球最高管理层调研报告中还揭示了一个值得关注的事实,就是传统企业对平台的高度关注,特别是那些比较成功的传统企业大多在平台上颇有建树。


IBM forecasts that the redistributable platform business model is expected to reach 1 in the next two to three years. $2 trillion, currently about $420 billion. The most active sectors in platform investment include: industrial products (+ 25%), electronics (+ 22%), cars (+ 20%) and retail (+ 17%).

IBM预测,未来两至三年,重新分配的平台业务模式预计将达到1.2万亿美元,目前已投入资金约4,200亿美元。在平台投资方面最积极的行业包括:工业产品(+ 25%),电子(+ 22%),汽车(+ 20%)和零售(+ 17%)。

In the interview, ding wei noted that for traditional enterprises, it is necessary to take time to innovate. Because although traditional enterprises hold 80% of the data, the value of the data will decline over time. If the data is only used for non-use and uncollated, the value of the data will decrease.
Platform strategy is an important means of counterattack.

另外,IBM 2017年全球最高管理层调研报告还证实我们的一些认识。比如,当新技术突飞猛进,人工智能、机器学习和区块链崭露头角,如何利用好这些新兴技术成为企业领导者面临的首要问题。2017年报告调查中显示,人员已经重新成为企业领导者面临的重要问题,员工技能,即:人才招聘和培训,成为调研中提升幅度最大的单项内容。

IBM global top management research report in 2017 also revealed a notable facts, is the traditional enterprise on the platform of high attention, especially the tradition of the more successful enterprises mostly on the platform to have done.




