2018-04-08 16:47:48


The new wave of technology has always led to major changes in productivity and production relations, and new industries have been springing up to promote social progress. With the development of a batch of information technology and artificial intelligence, such as big data and cloud computing, the transformation of manufacturing industry to intellectualization has been accelerated. As the main direction of manufacturing industry in the future


intelligent manufacturing is the commanding point of international manufacturing technology competition. And industrial robot is the most representative equipment of intelligent manufacturing, the market development space is very big.



and demographic dividend gradually disappear, the mode of production to flexible, intelligent, precise, building intelligent manufacture is a fundamental feature of the new system is imminent, the demand for industrial robots will be increased significantly.

3月15日,腾讯对外公布了其2018年在AI领域的三大核心战略,其中包括成立机器人实验室“Robotics X”。事实上,百度和阿里,早前已开始对机器人领域进行布局。随着巨头们资本和技术力量的聚集,未来机器人开发应用的将会迎来行业发展的黄金期。未来无论短期或是长期,机器人行业的投资机遇巨大,从工业机器人、协作机器人到服务机器人均有十分可观的市场规模。

On March 15, tencent announced its three core strategies in the AI field in 2018, including the establishment of Robotics laboratory Robotics X. In fact, baidu and alibaba have already begun to lay out the field of robotics. With the accumulation of capital and technical force of the giants, the future


Considering that the domestic industrial robot market is expected to reach 50-600,000 in the next few years, the sales volume of domestic robots will likely occupy 80% of the whole market. It can be predicted that the revenue of domestic robots will reach the level of tens of billions, and it has a strong profitability. On the other hand, as an important engine power of intelligent manufacturing, robots will accelerate the intelligent development process of the instrument.


Considering that the domestic industrial robot market is expected to reach 50-600,000 in the next few years, the sales volume of domestic robots will likely occupy 80% of the whole market. It can be predicted that the revenue of domestic robots will reach the level of tens of billions, and it has a strong profitability. On the other hand, as an important engine power of intelligent manufacturing, robots will accelerate the intelligent development process of the instrument.



