2018-05-10 15:45:15


After the haier COSMOPlat, 8 days of the friendly industrial Internet innovation center in linang songjiang technology city unveiled, marking another domestic industrial Internet platform settled in the G60 science and innovation corridor.
Songjiang industrial base has been approved by the national industrial


Internet innovation, offer the research including sadie, haier COSMO platform, Ming artisan IOT platform, a batch of important function of the Internet platform for industrial and body.


together "urban linkage and enterprise jointly" resources coordination effect, the combination of fine and wisdom industrial Internet platform of ufida settle G60 will be kechuang corridor, to develop national industry demonstration base of the Internet.


The industry believes that the Internet platform is one of the most notable industrial Internet platforms in 2018. The platform will further enhance the agglomeration of advanced manufacturing and industrial Internet in songjiang.

用友网络将以 “用友精智工业互联网平台”为依托,构建“载体+主体”、“基地+平台”的运行模式,以工业互联网平台整合长三角先进产业资源,为先进制造企业提供平台化、一体化、一站式、全要素覆盖的解决方案,以技术创新辐射和带动长三角先进制造业向“互联网+”升级。

"Ufida ufida network will be fine intellectual industrial Internet platform" as the backing, build "carrier + subject", "base + platform" mode of operation, the industrial advanced Internet platform integration of Yangtze river delta

另外,用友网络还将推动设立企业云服务产业基金注册落户临港松江科技城,重点发行企业级服务领域的产业基金。首期基金拟发行规模10 亿元,主要投资方向包括工业互联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能、虚拟现实等,加速用友在工业互联网等数字经济领域的布局。

It is understood that the network of friends dedicated to enterprise software and data services currently serves 3.53 million enterprises and public organizations. Friend "wisdom" is an intelligent manufacturing industry the Internet platform, provides intelligent cloud services, based on the data of the scene change support intelligent manufacturing innovation, drive enterprise business model and management way change. At present, the use of friends "jingzhi" has signed hangzhou iron and steel, China aviation engineering, eagle brand ceramics, extended petroleum and so on.





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