"In addition to increasing our focus on the market, our restructuring plan also includes becoming a company that will ensure that product delivery is accelerated in the short term and that long-term differentiation is maintained. We are making progress on this."
为了扭转局面,Infinera公司首席执行官托Thomas Fallon今年早些时候告诉投资者,公司的重点之一就是技术改进。
Infinera is turning to artificial intelligence, and one of its target areas is supply chain management (SCM). Infinera will use machine learning to better predict delivery dates and the performance of logistics providers by analysing historical changes in production delivery times.
“我们希望我们的销售团队能够快速确定当前待定报价和订单产品的供货,希望能够在做出调度决策时快速考虑到更多因素和约束条件,” Infinera公司信息技术高级副总裁Todd Tuomala这样说道。
"We hope that our sales team can quickly determine the current pending quotations and orders for the supply of products, hope to be able to make scheduling decisions quickly considering more factors and constraints," Infinera company information technology, senior vice President Todd Tuomala said.