SAP今天宣布,越来越多的中国领先B2C和B2B企业正在快速采纳 SAP 客户体验产品组合,用以增强全渠道业务能力。这表明,市场对基于云端的强大的客户关系管理(CRM )解决方案的需求不断攀升,企业希望将先进的CRM性能融入其业务当中,从而更好地服务他们的客户。
year, SAP customer relationship management (CRM) business in China market to obtain rapid development, customer experience solutions by enterprises. The fact shows that strong customer relationship and effective customer interaction have become the key for enterprises to fully understand customers,
随着企业越来越希望能获取对客户360度全方位的了解,并及时回应客户需求,在过去的一年,SAP 客户关系管理业务在中国市场获得飞速发展,客户体验解决方案倍受企业青睐。事实表明,牢固的客户关系和有效的客户互动,已成为企业全方位了解客户、快速响应客户需求、加速数字化转型的关键。因此,越来越多的企业开始采用SAP客户体验解决方案,这使得SAP在全球高达460亿美元的CRM市场中处于领先地位。
quickly respond to customer demands and accelerate digital transformation. As a result, more and more companies are adopting SAP customer experience solutions, which leads SAP to lead in the global CRM market of $46 billion.
Recently, SAP acquired Gigya and CallidusCloud companies, further improved
• zhenhua test is a subsidiary of well-known heavy equipment manufacturer Shanghai zhenhua heavy industries group (hereinafter referred to as "zhenhua heavy industry") and B2B e-commerce platform. Zhenhua heavy industries chose SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud to build a comprehensive trading platform for its after-sales service. Improve the efficiency of the supply chain by establishing a unified network of parts suppliers; To minimize the cost by
“通过实现前端和后端业务的无缝互联,并将其接入数字化核心系统,我们正在重新定义 CRM。”SAP Hybris 总裁安睿山(Alex Atzberger)表示:“SAP在CRM领域能力的不断提升,源于我们对于打造完整端到端客户体验的持续关注与投入。中国是SAP的第二故乡,我们将致力于满足中国客户的需求,帮助中国企业不断提升竞争力。”
“随着电子商务不断深入人们的日常生活,中国客户对于优化客户服务和提升客户体验的需求持续增加。”SAP Hybris 大中华区总经理张波表示:“目前,SAP 客户体验解决方案正在被中国客户广泛采用,尤其体现在B2B的行业应用领域。通过集成本地全渠道社交及电商应用,客户体验性能正在不断加强,能够有效满足中国客户不断增加的定制化需求。”
• loose yu enterprise group is a collection of engineering machinery operation, real estate investment and development, finance, heavy logistics, hotel catering in various fields such as one of the diversified, cross-regional, large-scale integrated enterprise groups with independent rights to export and import. They chose SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer (CRM Cloud) to integrate marketing, sales and after-sales services to provide advanced management
•振华检测是知名重型装备制造企业—上海振华重工集团(以下简称“振华重工”)的子公司和B2B电商平台。振华重工选择了SAP Hybris Commerce Cloud(电商云),为其售后服务打造一个综合交易平台。通过建立统一的零部件供应商网络,提高零部件供应链效率;借助减少港口仓库的零部件库存,以最大程度降低成本。
• as a provider of home care and clinical medical equipment, yuyue medical is committed to creating a professional service platform covering medical devices in a comprehensive way. For the Customer with a diving medical chose SAP Hybris Cloud Cloud (CRM), to help build all the e-commerce business channels, integration of the business line, optimizing Customer relationship, to better sustain customers, promote sales growth.