2018-05-24 16:50:07


Low voltage apparatus is applied to ac 50 hz or 60 hz, the rated voltage of 1000 v and below, dc rated voltage of 1500 v and below within the circuit on and off, protection, control or adjust the role of electrical components, or components. Terminal appliances are mainly used at the end of the line, such as commercial buildings and office buildings. The low voltage side of


distribution electric equipment in power transmission and distribution or for current connected, breaking, in line of short-circuit, overload, under voltage or electric equipment such as failure to cut off the circuit, thus protect the circuitry and equipment; Control appliances are mainly used in metallurgy, petrochemical and other fields to complete the start of various motors, speed regulation, positive and negative rotation, braking of various control low-voltage appliances.


By the end of 2016, the market size of the low-voltage appliance market reached 75 billion yuan, according to the report on the demand and investment forecast of low-voltage electrical appliance industry released by the prospective industry research institute. The market size of low-voltage appliances is expected to be around 81 billion yuan in 2017, an increase of 8% year-on-year. The demand for low-voltage electrical appliances is driven by


At present low - voltage electrical appliance industry can be divided into high, medium, low - end three echelon. The first tier is a technology leader in the industry, mainly with schneider, ABB, Siemens and other multinational companies, the companies have mastered low-voltage electrical industry the most advanced technology, to lead the development direction of low voltage electrical industry; The second tier is a follower of industry technology, mainly

低压电器行业是一个充分竞争、市场化程度较高的行业。从全球范围看,施耐德、ABB、罗格朗、西门子和伊顿合计市占率为 25%,其中施耐德市占率 8%排名第一。从国内市场看,正泰电器市占率达到 18%,排名第一,施耐德市占率约为 17%;ABB 约 10%,德力西约 8%。此外还有大量低端市场参与者,以价格竞争获取市场,进一步拉低了行业集中度。

production technology has become a public information industry, to gradually produce the product. In the industry, the market occupies the largest middle and low end demand and generates relatively low profits, while most of the profits are concentrated in the middle and high-end market.
Compared with in high voltage electrical equipment, low-voltage electrical equipment unit price is low, the downstream stronger bargaining ability, therefore when raw material prices, companies can better to control the gross





