Yokogawa electric is launching a new integrated brand OpreX for its industrial automation (IA) and control business products. The OpreX brand represents the excellence of yokogawa in creating value through technology and solutions with customers, covering the entire range of company IA products, services and solutions. With the launch of the new OpreX brand, yokogawa
motor will provide comprehensive solutions to support the transformation of customers and the growth of corresponding business needs.
Brands include the following five categories:
OpreX control: a reliable control system that can quickly respond to changes in management and operation and lay the foundation for efficient, high-quality, safe and stable operation of the plant.
OpreX measurement: field instruments and systems for high precision measurement, data acquisition and analysis.
OpreX life cycle: maintain and develop services, work with customers, and optimize operations throughout the factory life cycle.
在未来的几周和几个月内,横河电机将加强OpreX品牌下产品、服务及解决方案组合。这些代表了公司对工业自动化的综合施策,旨在实现横河IA和控制业务的指导理念Synaptic Business Automation。