2018-06-08 15:45:35

富士康(股票称工业富联)今日正式登陆A股,在此后大涨44% ,成A股市值最高科技企业。

Foxconn, the industrial conglomerate, formally launched its a-share offering today and has since rallied 44 per cent to become the most valuable tech company on the a-share market.


On the eve of the listing, the outlook for the industrial conglomerate was bullish for a number of financial media outlets. After the official opening at 9.30am today, the shares rose sharply to 19.83 yuan, or 44.01%, with a total market value of 390.6 billion yuan.



The results of the first quarter of 2018 showed that the performance of the industrial federation was stable, with its operating revenue reaching 77.695 billion yuan, up 19.78% year on year. Net profit was 2.653 billion yuan, up 4.53 percent year on year. It is estimated that the operating revenue in the first half of 2018 will be 146.06 billion yuan to 154.58 billion yuan, an increase of 6.8 percent to 13.1 percent year-on-year. Net income was 5.38 billion yuan to 5.6 billion yuan, up 0.9 percent year on year to 5.1 percent.




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