2018-06-12 15:36:30

“湖南智造”强势崛起 9家企业列入全国智能制造试点示范

The national occupational skills competition for workers is a national class competition. The competition is closely related to the implementation of the new development concept and the construction of a modern economic system. Among them, the CNC machining center operator inspects the four-axis


Recently, by the global alliance of small and medium-sized enterprises and globalization, a think-tank, recently published "intelligent manufacturing development report" (hereinafter referred to as "report"), this paper

聚焦智能制造 宝鸡机床集团将承担两项国赛

linkage processing technology, the CNC machine tool installation adjustment maintenance worker pays more attention to the intelligent turning installation adjustment technology.


Intelligent manufacturing will have a significant impact on international trade
The Internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, cloud computing, 3D printing All of these concepts now familiar to us are the result of the fourth industrial revolution, now led by intelligent manufacturing.


expounded the status of the development of world intelligent manufacturing system, scale and prospects. The report pointed out that the intelligent manufacturing technology to traditional industry value chain and the existing system of international trade, nations and enterprises development strategy and the trend of globalization of profound and great influence, must carefully study, tracking, and seriously.




