2018-06-27 16:05:49


Siemens today held the launch ceremony of the industrial network expert program in Beijing and announced the recruitment of foreign experts in the industry network partner. Through the plan, Siemens want cooperate partners to build the digital industrial communications network ecosystem, to the


Future-oriented industrial communication network is the foundation of building digital factories and realizing digital transformation. Digital communication network needs to have high reliability, availability and security, but also realizes the information technology (IT) and manufacturing technology (OT) network integration, more long-term goals include the connection with the cloud and monitoring. As a complicated system


Future-oriented industrial communication network is the foundation of building digital factories and realizing digital transformation. Digital communication network needs to have high reliability, availability and security, but also realizes the information technology (IT) and manufacturing technology (OT) network integration, more long-term goals include the connection with the cloud and monitoring. As a complicated system

西门子在工业通讯领域已经有数十年的经验,早在1985年就开始提供工业以太网解决方案。西门子工业通讯产品和解决方案已经贯穿工厂自动化局域网通讯、无线远程通讯,并可跨越广域网和Internet,打造直至云端的完整数据通道,并将随着新技术的发展而持续拓展。在今年的汉诺威工业博览会上,西门子将新的通讯技术列为数字化企业未来发展的方向之一。西门子将基于时间敏感型联网(TSN)来强化工业通讯,计划年内推出第一批相关产品,如具有TSN功能的网络组件、通信处理器、软件和网络管理系统等。今年三月,西门子收购工业实时定位系统(RTLS)的供应商Agilion GmbH公司,强化了其实时定位技术,为客户实现实时供应链管理提供了可能。此外,西门子还推出了Ruggedcom RX1400 CloudConnect多服务平台,可接入云端实现边缘计算功能。

engineering, to support this goal need professional ability, should be based on the detailed planning and analysis, through customized design to ensure that the technology and the enterprise information environment to achieve safety and reliable. "Siemens with the industrial network planning, design and implementation of decades of rich experience, to provide customized chemical communication network products, solutions and services, and even the design and implementation of the comprehensive support at the same time, to ensure




