2018年6月20日,国际人工智能算法与应用研讨会在天津赛象酒店盛大揭幕,联想新视界在会中与中科院先进院签订战略合作协议,并创新发布AH智能服务解决方案(AH Smart Service 1.0)。发布会过后,笔者有幸采访了联想新视界总裁白欲立和联想新视界CTO陆冬云博士,他们对AH智能服务解决方案作出了更加全面的解读,并分享了联想新视界的战略规划。
Intelligent service, enabling intelligent manufacturing
With the advancement of "made in China 2025" strategy, the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing enterprises in China is around the corner, however, intelligent manufacturing floor, in addition to realize intelligent manufacturing and management, intelligent service is a key ring, the
AH intelligence services solutions, three service module, the four core engine, flexible to meet the needs of users, help the enterprise to implement the intelligent of the service.
Three service modules: intelligent data, intelligent maintenance and intelligent simulation
Based on the Internet industry, intelligent data service module and through the analysis of the data acquisition and storage, data mining of VR/AR display technology, to maximize the value of the data, presented in concise and clear way.
智能维修服务将AH(Augmented Human)体现到了极致,背靠强大的支撑数据,利用智能派单系统、智能维保手册、远程专家系统,将数据应用到维修的全程工作当中,通过人工智能与AR技术,将售后维修提升到了新高度。
Intelligent maintenance service will be AH (Augmented Human) reflect to perfection, backed by strong support data, using intelligent single system, intelligent maintenance manual, remote expert system, the data is applied to the maintenance of the entire work, using the technology of artificial intelligence and AR will after-sales maintenance to new heights.
Intelligent simulation service can provide a full range of tool chain, effectively build all kinds of the size of the simulation, based on VR, AR technology, more intuitive, able to quickly achieve the goal of training and the efficiency of optimization, greatly reduce the enterprise personnel training costs.