2018-07-10 15:37:20

西门子和阿里巴巴旗下的云计算公司阿里云9日在柏林签署备忘录,携手共同推进中国工业物联网的发展。双方将发挥各自的技术和行业优势,打造领先的物联网平台,以支持“工业4.0”、中国制造业转型升级等以工业互联网驱动的战略举措。西门子股份公司总裁兼首席执行官凯飒(Joe Kaeser)与阿里云总裁胡晓明签署了谅解备忘录。正在德国进行正式访问的中国国务院总理李克强与德国联邦总理默克尔共同见证了备忘录的签署。

applications, advanced data analytics capabilities, and closed-loop innovations based on digital twins. MindSphere, deployed in aliyun, will provide powerful services to mainland Chinese companies to help them innovate with advanced industrial solutions.


As soon as the agreement is signed, the two companies will begin working together and plan to launch the MindSphere platform, which will be deployed in aliyun, in 2019.


applications, advanced data analytics capabilities, and closed-loop innovations based on digital twins. MindSphere, deployed in aliyun, will provide powerful services to mainland Chinese companies to help them innovate with advanced industrial solutions.


applications, advanced data analytics capabilities, and closed-loop innovations based on digital twins. MindSphere, deployed in aliyun, will provide powerful services to mainland Chinese companies to help them innovate with advanced industrial solutions.




