The first industrial revolution, marked by the use of water and steam engines to drive machinery production equipment, replaced manual work with factories and machinery. The second industrial revolution realized mass production through the concept of division of labor and the use of electricity, which changed the
driving mechanism. The third industrial revolution was based on the use of electronic products and IT technology to further automate production. Today will mark the fourth industrial revolution, human society physical systems, communication networks, Internet of things and decentralized decision-making, makes the machine parts replaced and related industry which we have been talking about intelligence.
在很多半导体公司看来,从工业到智能工业的产业升级蕴藏着巨大的市场发展机会,这个过程需要大量的通信、传感、控制等电子元器件,意法半导体的已有产品体系也可以为工业升级提供多种解决方案。在近期的媒体发布会上,意法半导体公司Discreates及Analog Sub产品部市场及应用资深总监Francesco Muggeri就介绍了公司在智能工业领域的布局,他表示,“我们拥有超过30年的工业应用开发经验,深入了解应用知识,有助于优化产品和系统解决方案,能够基于行业领先的创新技术,提供最广泛的产品系列,覆盖技术包括传感器、电源管理、MCU、通信IC、信号调节、电机控制和执行,拥有完整的供应链。同时,我们拥有CMOS、BCD、MEMS、功率晶体管、分立式二极管等制造工艺,可以满足摩尔定律的小型化需求。”
To achieve these goals, the upgrading of new equipment is accompanied by the transformation of old equipment, which requires more efficient, safer, smarter and more connected industrial equipment. The core of all key applications include process control, factory automation, industrial robots, motor control, sensors and other technical support.