2018-07-17 14:09:02


On July 16, digital transformation of the leaders in the field of global energy efficiency management and automation, schneider electric announced by fudan university, huashan hospital north institute (hereinafter referred to as the "huashan north yuan") to provide a complete electrical integration on the strength of the solution, and combining the digital service of the whole life cycle, build wisdom logistics the nerve center, the successful help the hospital to improve logistics management, optimize the service quality and efficiency at the same time, further to ensure the safe use of electricity, realize the energy saving efficiency.


As the Shanghai municipal government "5 + 3 + 1" project of the key projects, as well as integrating medicine, teaching and research, has 600 beds of check and ratify the level of first-class comprehensive hospital, built in 2012 huashan north courtyard needs to receive and make a diagnosis and give treatment every day a large number of patients, lead to pressure increasing logistics management services. As a result, the hospital in the hope of upgrading based on the original ba, at the same time, alleviate the pressure of the logistics to

作为上海市政府 “5+3+1”工程的重点项目,以及集医、教、研于一体,拥有600张核定床位的三级甲等综合性医院,2012年建成的华山北院每天需要接收和诊治大量患者,导致后勤管理服务的压力日益增加。因此,医院寄希望于通过对原有楼宇自控系统进行升级改造,在缓解后勤压力的同时,切实改善用电质量与安全问题,消除隐患并降低能源成本。

Through the communication with the hospital many times, and the power system of hospital comprehensive and detailed survey and research, schneider electric will not only clear the existing building, it is necessary to improve the control system in connectivity is further defined the direction of the hospital digitization upgrade and for creating high quality "hospital tomorrow". Combining professional attitude and rich industry practice experience

通过与院方多次的交流沟通,以及对医院电力系统全面细致的勘察调研,施耐德电气不但明晰了现有楼控系统在互联互通方面的亟待提高,还进一步明确了院方数字化升级的方向和对打造高质量“明日医院”的憧憬。结合专业的态度与丰富的行业实践经验,施耐德电气赢得了院方的高度信任。基于EcoStruxure 架构与平台,以强弱电一体化为核心,施耐德电气为华山北院量身打造了覆盖互联互通的产品,边缘控制,应用、分析与服务三个层面的完整解决方案,在对原有楼宇自控系统进行升级改造的同时,更将电能安全、质量监控功能融入其中,极大提升了节能增效效果:

Low connectivity products: including ATS automatic transfer switch, the power quality monitoring devices, lighting control, sensors, valves and controllers and other products, security equipment at the bottom of the connectivity and the related system is reliable and stable operation at the same time, the power equipment safety and power quality to conduct a comprehensive inspection and data collection, and lay a foundation for subsequent analysis and improve.

●边缘控制:通过Power Monitoring Expert(PME)电能管理软件及EcoStruxure Building Operation(EBO)楼宇运营系统软件平台等,共享实时数据,集中管理并分散控制空调、照明等高能耗系统,实现医院精细化后勤管理和高效运维。

Low edge control: by means of Power Monitoring Expert (PME) Power management software and EcoStruxure Building Operation (EBO) Building operating system software platform, such as real-time data sharing, centralized management and decentralized control air conditioning system, lighting and other high energy consumption, realize hospital sophisticated logistics management and efficient operations.

●应用、分析与服务:基于EcoStruxure Power Advisor电力顾问,提供用电安全分析服务,并通过配电侧的数据分析调整楼宇自控系统的控制策略,提高设备运行效率和能源使用效率,进一步节省了人力和能耗成本。



