According to foreign media reports, Google was fined 4.34 billion euros by the European Union, which is the largest regulatory fine in the company is history.
According to several British media reports, the European Commission imposed a huge fine on Google for abusing its dominant position in the field of smartphone operating systems, and fines will be penalized last year for Google is ranking of competitors in shopping search services. 2.4 billion euros. Prior to this, the largest antitrust penalty issued by the European Commission was a fine of 1.06 billion euros for chip giant Intel in 2009.
Google Inc. is pushing the service to billions of users through the Android operating system, covering applications such as YouTube, Google Maps, and the App Store. It is expected that Google will end illegal activities and rectify its business, which may affect its dominant position in the mobile and other equipment markets.
安卓系统是全球智能手机使用的主要操作系统,随着越来越多的用户依赖移动设备进行搜索服务,它对谷歌的收入至关重要。谷歌否认存在不当行为,但欧盟竞争事务专员玛格里西·韦斯塔格认为,谷歌使用非法“捆绑”方法,迫使手机制造商预先安装谷歌服务和应用程序,比如搜索和Chrome,作为使用谷歌智能手机应用商店Google Play的先决条件。欧盟将安卓操作系统上的一些限制裁定为非法。在消费者从台式机转向移动设备之际,这些限制据称巩固了谷歌在在线搜索领域的主导地位。由于安卓垄断涉及范围较广,因此罚金金额较高。
谷歌方面则否认公司有不当行为,称将搜索与Google Play应用商店捆绑使其能够免费提供整套服务,而且智能手机生产商和用户能有广泛的选择。公司还称,欧盟监管机构错误界定了市场,没有把苹果公司列为竞争对手。谷歌将发起上诉。