2018-07-31 13:30:08

据外媒报道,中国香港生产力促进局(Hong Kong Productivity Council)与汽车零部件(APAS)研发中心已承诺加强研发活动,以使自动驾驶车辆在香港成为现实。

According to foreign media reports, the Hong Kong Productivity Council and the automotive parts (APAS) r&d centre in Hong Kong have pledged to strengthen research and development activities to make autonomous vehicles a reality in Hong Kong.

上周,香港生产力促进局主席林宣武(Willy Lin)在汽车零部件研发中心展会开幕式时表示,香港生产力促进局将与香港本土公司合作,协助他们探索智能移动出行所能带来的新商机。

Willy Lin, chairman of the Hong Kong productivity council, said last week at the opening of the auto parts research and development centre show that the council would work with local companies to help them explore new opportunities for smart mobile travel.

林主席介绍说,APAS最近在创新与技术执行委员会(Innovation and Technology Commission)的支持下购买了第一辆拥有自动驾驶功能的汽车,将作为此类技术未来本地化研发和应用的研发平台。

APAS recently purchased the first self-driving car with the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission, which will serve as a platform for future localized r&d and application of such Technology, Lin said.

林主席补充说,香港生产力促进局正与香港机场管理局(Airport Authority Hong Kong)合作,在香港国际机场研发及展示智能网联汽车的车到一切(V2X)技术。

Mr Lam added that the Hong Kong productivity council was working with the Airport Authority Hong Kong to develop and demonstrate the vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology for smart networked cars at the Hong Kong international Airport.


At the event, the automotive parts research and development center showed cars with autonomous driving capability.



