2018-08-01 10:08:54

 On July 19th, 160 pieces of speed-speed 320km high-speed wheels of Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. were repackaged by Ma Steel, France, and then successfully delivered to the German railway company Wittenberg base, which is about to be loaded on the line. This is the first time that Chinese high-speed wheels have been driven out of the country. The global high-speed rail market has been made in China since then, and Maanshan Iron & Steel has become the first domestic company to export high-speed overseas wheels.

 Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is a pioneer in the development and production of Chinese wheels. With its advantages of technological accumulation, superior service, stable quality and reasonable price, Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. has successfully entered more than 70 countries and regions around the world, and can be used in any kind of wheel in the world. Product standards are organized and produced in the world. In recent years, Maanshan Iron and Steel has been closely integrated into the national strategy, and is committed to building the world is most competitive rail transit axle enterprise, building a modern wheelset and high-speed axle production line, forming a whole industrial chain covering raw materials, axle manufacturing and maintenance, and building an international network. Operational platform. Under the guidance of China Railway Corporation, China Railway Science Research Institute and Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. jointly developed 250 km and 350 km high-speed wheels with China is completely independent intellectual property rights, which have successfully passed the 600,000-kilometer loading of China is high-speed rail.

 DB is one of the most important railway operators in Europe, and its quality standards and supply requirements are very well known in the industry. The Maanshan high-speed wheel successfully entered the German iron, fully verifying the brand effect and international competitiveness of China Manufacturing and Maanshan Iron and Steel Manufacturing.


Based on the recognition of the strength of Maanshan is axle products and the good cooperation foundation for many years, in November 2016, Detie actively invited Ma Steel to participate in the bidding for its high-speed rail maintenance wheels. Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. responded quickly and obtained the qualification of the German Railway High Speed ​​Wheel in only half a year. In the second half of 2017, Maanshan Iron & Steel successfully won the bid for the Detachian high-speed wheel project and won 160 orders for high-speed wheels with obvious advantages. In March of this year, the products went offline smoothly and passed the TSI certification and the first customer identification of the products.






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