Siemens on August 1st signed an agreement to acquire mendix, a pioneer and leader in the development of cloud-based, low-code applications. Under the deal, Siemens will pay 600 million euros in cash for the company. Mendix will retain its own brand and culture and continue to serve customers across the industry with its unique platform and extensive ecosystem and community.
随着企业投资于业务运营的数字化,对业务应用需求的增长远远超过 IT 组织的交付能力。低代码应用开发平台能够实现基于云的应用程序的快速开发、部署和执行。
西门子股份公司管理委员会成员何睿祺(Klaus Helmrich)表示:“通过收购mendix,我们将进一步扩大西门子在工业数字化领域的领先地位,这正是我们‘公司愿景2020+’战略的基石。”
"Mendix is the leader in the rapidly expanding low code application development industry. By accelerating cloud-based application development for the industrial Internet of things, the mendix platform will help our customers apply MindSphere more quickly. He added.
“mendix 是快速扩张的低代码应用开发行业的领导者。通过加快面向工业物联网基于云的应用开发,mendix平台将帮助我们的客户更快地应用MindSphere。”他补充道。
“作为我们数字化战略的一部分,西门子针对数字化企业持续投入软件产品组合。通过收购mendix,在我们已有的云领域专业知识与经验、云独立平台解决方案,以及高技能人才基础之上,西门子继续完善其全面的数字化企业解决方案和MindSphere物联网业务组合。”西门子数字化工厂集团首席执行官Jan Mrosik表示。
August 1st signed an agreement to acquire mendix, a pioneer and leader in the development of cloud-based, low-code applications. Under the deal, Siemens will pay 600 million euros in cash for the company. Mendix will retain its own brand and culture and continue to serve customers across the industry with its unique platform and extensive ecosystem and community.
"Mendix is the leader in the rapidly expanding low code application development industry. By accelerating cloud-based application development for the industrial Internet of things, the mendix platform will help our customers apply MindSphere more quickly. He added.