工业机器人中最关键的核心部件之一就是 RV 减速机。
After more than 30 years of development, foreign RV reducers have been relatively mature in technology. Their representative companies are mainly Japan and Europe. In the future, China will become another indispensable force. With the development of China’s industrial robot industry, domestic RV reducers The speed reducer is also improving.
国外RV 减速机历经30余年的发展,技术已相对成熟,其代表企业以日本和欧洲为主,未来,我国将成为又一支不可或缺的力量;随着我国工业机器人行业的发展,国产 RV减速机也日臻完善。
RV 减速机的定义及其重要性
机器人的发展与应用体现了现代生活智能化。而在机器人中,最关键的技术部件之一就是 RV 减速机,可以说,没有RV减速机,机器人就不成立。
一台工业机器人的成本占比是机器人本体 22%、伺服系统 25%、减速机 38%、控制系统 10% 及其他5%。可见,RV减速机在机器人里占比最大!
GGII 数据显示,2017年中国工业机器人行业对 RV 减速机的需求量达到 31.96 万件,同比增长 63.9%;市场规模 22.4 亿元,同比增长 45.4%。目前我国是世界上最大的机器人和RV减速机的销售市场,其前景不可限量!
The cost of an industrial robot is 22% of the robot body, 25% of the servo system, 38% of the reducer, 10% of the control system and other 5%. It can be seen that RV reducers account for the largest proportion of robots!
国外 RV 减速机的发展与现状
最早期的摆线针轮减速机传动的概念,是 1926 年由德国人劳伦兹•勃朗提出的。
1980 年前后,日本帝人精机提出了RV传动理论,开始将 RV 传动应用于机器人行业,并取得市场上的巨大成功,该公司现已占据了 RV 减速机全球市场的 60%以上。
此外,其他国外生产 RV 减速机及类似产品的知名企业还有日本住友、捷克 SPINEA 等几家。
咨询电话:135 0128 2025.
Taiwan is currently the main supplier of RV reducer production lines. The processing equipment for RV reducer parts is independently produced by Taiwanese enterprises, including vertical grinding, coordinate grinding, internal tooth grinding, external tooth grinding, and round table end grinding. Can form a professional RV reducer production line