德国KAPP NILES磨齿机在GrindingHub展出
2024-05-16 11:32:13

使用KNG 350系列磨齿机,灵活加工电动传动齿轮  

Take the next step with us on our journey to e-mobility. Having already talked about the surface and quality optimisation of gears in e-mobility, we would now like to introduce the KNG 350 series.
接下来,请与我们一起踏上电动出行的新征程!此前,我们已经谈到了电动汽车中齿轮的表面和质量优化,现在,我们将向您隆重介绍KNG 350系列磨齿机。


In our expert article, you can find out what flexibility the series offers for gear grinding. The modular system of the KNG 350 makes it possible to present different machine concepts on one common platform. This allows us to optimally address your individual needs.

在我们的专家文章中,您可以对KNG350系列磨齿机灵活磨削齿轮的详情知微知彰。正是由于KNG 350磨齿机的模块化系统,在通用平台上呈现不同的机器理念已不再是天方夜谭。因此,我们能够完美地满足您的个人需求。

The KNG 350 series is based on the successful concept of the KX 300 P gear grinding centre, which has already been sold more than 500 times, and goes one step further. With three different configurations of tool and workpiece drive, we offer maximum flexibility. The machines of the KNG 350 series can be used for small to large-scale series production of geared components up to 400 mm in diameter.

KX300P磨齿中心至今已经出售500余次。KNG350系列磨齿机恰恰是以KX300P磨齿中心的成功理念为基础,且未来势头将更上一层楼。利用刀具和工件驱动的三种不同配置,我们可以使磨齿的灵活性发挥到极致。KNG 350系列磨齿机能够被应用于直径达400毫米的齿轮部件的小批量和大批量生产。


Learn more about this innovative machine concept and convince yourself of its advantages. Please log in to our official website for consultation and consultation: www.kapp niles.com , if you want to get more information for the expert article "A New Level of Flexibility in Gear Grinding" by Ralf Dremel (Technical Product Manager at KAPP NILES).

敬请了解更多关于这一创新的机器理念,并对其优势深信不疑。如需阅览KAPP NILES技术产品经理Ralf Dremel的专业文章《磨齿灵活性的新时代》,请登录我司官网查阅和咨询:www.kapp-niles.com。

We will also be happy to advise you

at the GrindingHub 2024

14 - 17 May 2024 in Stuttgart | Booth A40 in Hall 7


2024年5月14日至17日 斯图加特,展位Hall 7-A40

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