2024-06-13 14:25:20

E-mobility has brought about various application areas with new challenges for gear manufacturing. From miniature gears in bicycle drives to the gears installed in cars and even larger workpieces in trucks - KAPP NILES machines offer the flexibility to meet a wide range of requirements.

电车为齿轮制造业带来了各种各样的应用领域,同时,全新的挑战也应运而生。从自行车的微型齿轮到汽车的内置齿轮,甚至是卡车的大型工件,KAPP NILES 的机床都能灵活地满足各种要求。



Gears for bicycle drives are both very small and difficult to machine due to demanding workpiece geometries. Nevertheless, solutions are needed to manufacture these components in an equally productive, economical and consistent quality manner. All previously known fine machining processes have reached their limits here.


Only through the development of generating grinding with the smallest tools is there a process that meets all requirements. Find out how you can use it to machine even complex gears precisely and efficiently in our expert article ‘Small worm - great potential’.




The majority of electric cars use simple, non-shiftable transmissions consisting of input shaft, intermediate gear, intermediate shaft and differential gear. The requirements for these gears are very high due to the extremely wide speed and torque range. KAPP NILES offers the answer for reliable machining of these workpieces with highest quality.

大多数电动汽车使用由输入轴、中间齿轮、中间轴和差动齿轮组成的简单、不可换挡的变速器。由于速度范围和扭矩范围宽泛,因此对这些齿轮的要求极高。KAPP NILES 可以为这些工件的可靠加工提供最高质量的解决方案。

Find out how KAPP NILES supported the development of a new drivetrain for a fully electric sports car in our success story ‘Transmission for e-sports cars’.

如需了解KAPP NILES 如何为一款纯电跑车的新型传动系统的开发提供支持,敬请参阅我们的成功案例 “电动超跑变速器”。




The demands on the quality of gears have also increased in leaps and bounds for electrically driven commercial vehicles. Higher torques must be transmitted with high efficiency over a wide load range. At the same time, durability plays an important role. We have advanced our grinding and measuring machines as well as their machining processes and chains accordingly.


Find out what challenges KAPP NILES has overcome in grinding large components for e-trucks in our success story ‘Electric truck: Polished gears in XXL’.

如需了解KAPP NILES 在磨削电动卡车大型部件过程中克服了哪些挑战,敬请参阅我们的成功案例 “电动卡车XXL抛光磨齿轮”。
