FBQ-S系列 气动压力机 FBQ-S Series t Pneumatic Press Machine)
根据客户需求可定做非标准压机(Non-standard press can be customized according to customer demand.)
产品特点(product feature)
1.以压缩空气为动力源,操作简单。(Compressed air as power source,easy to operate.)
2.用电脑控制器控制,占用空间小,操作方便,外形美观。(Adopt microcomputer control,use small space,easy to operate,beautiful appearance.)
3.没有油压系统待机时产生的噪音,可节省电力消耗从而降低生产成本。(No hydraulic system noise,can save electricity consumption and thus reduce production costs.)
4.出力调整容易,只要调整汽压压力,就能达到所需压力。(Output adjustment as easy as adjusting the air pressure,can achieve the required pressure.)
5.安全设计,采用双手操作,设有急停和上下点动功能。(Safety design,using both hands to operate,with mergency stop and jog up and down function.)
6.多功能用途,适用于压入轴承、冲孔、铆合、装配、切断等。(Multi-use,for pressing,punching,riveting,assembly,cutting and so on.)