由讯通展览公司主办,第2届广东国际机器人及智能装备博览会、第18届DMP东莞国际模具、金属加工、塑胶及包装展、2016华南国际钣金及激光产业展览会、第6届国际(东莞)铸业展、3D打印展2016东莞国际电镀工业、表面处理及涂料展,将于2016年11 月29日-12 月2日在中国东莞市厚街镇广东现代国际展览中心举行!作为华南地区最大型的模具、机床及塑胶机械展, 展出高精度生产机械设备,今年将增设电镀工业、表面处理及涂料展,专题馆包括: 机器人及智能装备展区、刀具馆、工程塑料区、韩国工具馆、台湾区模具公会展区、香港塑胶机械协会展区、,东莞市数控刀具行业协会展区、智慧钣金联盟、国际先进制造业(中国广东)高峰会、省技术成果与产业对接会等多场技术研讨会。预计规模: 展位5500个,参展商1400家, 买家11万名。海外及广东省外首次参观的买家(不含香港、澳门)可获免费酒店住宿。
展馆已提升配套设备,完成连串扩张及改善工程,包括建造新4号馆、4-5-6-7号馆增设二条横向主通道、 1号馆与3DE馆之间地台已升高填平及1号馆增建二条手扶电梯,以方便客流。欢迎参展参观,诚邀加入DMP盛会!
查询请电讯通展览公司:(香港)852-27639011;(广州)020-87612356;(上海)021-63045419;(东莞)0769-85983310 / info@paper-com.com.hk / www.dmpshow.com
DMP2016--2nd Guangdong International Robot & Intelligent Manufacturing Expo, 18th China Dongguan International Mould, Metalworking, Plastics and Packaging Exhibition, 2016 South China International Sheet Metal & Laser Show, the 6th International (Dongguan) Metal Casting Show, and 3D Printing Show, 2016 Dongguan International Electro-plating, Surface Finishing & Coating Show will be held from 29 November -2 December 2016 by Paper Communication Exhibition Services at Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.
It is the biggest mould, machine tool and plastic machinery show in South China. This year, many more new items, such as Electroplating, Surface Finishing and Coating show will be added to the show. Special pavilions include Robot & Intelligent Manufacturing zone, Cutting Tool zone, Korea Tool Pavilion, Taiwan Mold Association zone, Engineering Plastic Material zone, Hong Kong Plastic Machinery Association zone, Dongguan NC Tool Association Pavilion. 5500 booths, 1400 exhibitors and 110,000 trade visitors are anticipated. Hotel sponsorship will be offered to new overseas buyers.
In order to upgrade our service, the Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center has finished a series of expansion and modification works. A New Hall 4 has been built. 2 more horizontal passageways to go through hall 4-5-6-7. Land filled the space between hall 1 and hall 3DE to the same level and 2 more escalators in hall 1 to facilitate more visitor flow.
You are welcome to participate either as an exhibitor or visitor. Join this mega DMP show!
Enquiry:(HK)852-27639011/ info@paper-com.com.hk / www.dmpshow.com