2017-09-17 11:21:14


In September 12th, Changan Lai Adams Ombo and general manager under the leadership of Mr., together into the Hebei Changan  Baoding Changke vehicle factory and customer intimate contact. Before visiting the workshop, we have communicated and discussed with the senior members of the customer s company and the related technical personnel, and discussed the current situation of the customers and the planning of the automatic production line in the future. Subsequently, the customer s stamping workshop, welding workshop and assembly workshop, such as field visits.

913日, 还为本次活动准备了技术研讨峰会盛宴。本次活动共邀请了40多位客户参加,并隆重邀请来自河北长安的副总经理余强先生和长安徕斯总经理翁博和先生分别就此次技术峰会发表了致辞和演讲。同时来自库卡工业,库卡系统及库卡机器人的专家也为客户量身定制了自动化解决方案。

In September 13th, it also prepared a feast for technical research Summit for the event. This event has invited more than 40 customers to participate, and invited  f rom Hebei Changan deputy general manager Mr. Yu Qiang and general manager of Changan Lai Adams Ombo and Mr. respectively delivered a speech and lectures on the technology summit. At the same time f rom KUKA industrial, expert system and KUKA KUKA robot for customized automation solutions.


Finally, answering AC link KUKA also for customers for half an hour, and production for the customer site, experts, and their Changan life shared their solutions in the field of automation. In addition, the customer has also discussed and shared the actual situation and technical aspects of the company. The experts f rom KUKA group also makes a detailed answer.


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