2017-09-21 15:29:12


    In this frontier, China has not been absent, but has taken the opportunity to realize the curve overtaking. In the case of the expo venue, wuxi, jiangsu province, wuxi now have more than 2000 iot enterprises, by the end of 2016, the Internet of things industry output value of more than 200 billion, and maintained good growth momentum. Internet of things and intelligent manufacturing are the main direction of "made in China 2025", which is the best breakthrough to realize the organic integration of emerging industries and traditional industries. In this emerging field, China has not only the planning and blueprint, but also the foundation and the measures. It will not miss this opportunity.


    At the expo site, a chemical reaction between the Internet of things and traditional manufacturing can be felt everywhere. It is important to realize that the Internet of things and intelligent manufacturing are not to overturn traditional manufacturing industries, but to realize the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industries, and to improve the quality and efficiency of manufacturing. Whether to launch a remote control, or process are optimized by the Internet of things, or is it involve intelligent robot in the process of manufacture of something connected and interlocked goal, is to improve product quality and efficiency. "The core of industrial civilization is quality and innovation, which is very important for any enterprise to transform the manufacturing industry and the Chinese industry," the participant said. In fact, no matter how the technology changes, should not forget "quality" this initial heart, this is the original intention that realizes intelligent manufacturing, also is the key that grasps intelligent manufacturing opportunity.




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