近日,全球电源管理与散热解决方案的领导厂商台达,为位于俄罗斯叶卡捷琳堡的大型购物中心MEGA提供了台达海福HIFT与Ultron HPH 系列不间断电源(UPS)系统,以确保这座大型购物中心的消防系统及电动步道在市电故障时仍然持续维持运作。
Recently, the global power management and leading companies in the cooling solution, for large shopping center in Russia yekaterinburg MEGA provides platform DaHaiFu HIFT and Ultron HPH series of uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems, to ensure that the large shopping center of the fire protection system and electric trails still continue to operate in mains failure.
俄罗斯现已有14个MEGA连锁购物中心,其中叶卡捷琳堡的购物中心占地 130,000平方公尺,内部设有175家商店,购物中心总容量可达400万人,是当地规模最大的购物中心。对于设计容纳大量消费客人的大型设施而言,发生必须撤离商场的紧急情况时,消防系统的不间断运行是关键之一;电动步道采用UPS备援,则避免了市电故障造成突然停机而导致的人身危险。
Russia now has 14 MEGA shopping center chain, including yekaterinburg shopping center covers an area of 130000 square meters, has 175 stores, shopping center, the total capacity of up to 4 million people, is the largest in the local shopping center. The continuous operation of fire fighting system is one of the key points for the large facilities designed to accommodate a large number of customers. The electric footpath adopts UPS backup, which avoids the personal danger caused by the sudden shutdown of the municipal power failure.
通过现场调研后,台达为消防系统的UPS方案提供安装了五组总容量达120 kVA的海福HIFT系列UPS。这款高智能容错UPS,采用N+X架构设计,可提高系统容错度,可按需配置可靠度等级,满足不断变化的负载需求。UPS系统可随需扩容,具备最短系统修复时间能力的高可靠、高可用的智能UPS系统。海福HIFT模块化UPS超低的MTTR(平均修复时间)也为用户的高效运维提供了保证。相比传统机型MTTR超过2小时,海福HIFT模块化UPS仅需30分钟。整个消防系统在UPS实施完毕之后,可用电池模式运作一小时,足够消费客人及购物中心员工撤离。
Russia now has 14 MEGA shopping center chain, including yekaterinburg shopping center covers an area of 130000 square meters, has 175 stores, shopping center, the total capacity of up to 4 million people, is the largest in the local shopping center. The continuous operation of fire fighting system is one of the key points for the large facilities designed to accommodate a large number of customers. The electric footpath adopts UPS backup, which avoids the personal danger caused by the sudden shutdown of the municipal power failure.
另外,针对购物中心的电动步道的备援电源选择上,台达推荐安装了六组容量30-40 kVA的三相Ultron HPH系列UPS。具备三电平IGBT拓扑技术,可发挥96%的AC-AC效率及99%的节能模式效率,提供全额定功率 (输出功因=1,kVA=kW),可在不降低UPS额定功率的情况下,提供最大功率给负载。除了能效以外,Ultron HPH系列UPS也由其-40%至+25%的宽广输入电压范围、关键组件冗余,以及出色的前方维修便利性,提供高度系统可用性。UPS系统安装完毕后,购物中心的电动步道的后备运作时间可达20分钟,即便MEGA购物中心发生市电断电情况,消费客人仍可利用电动步道。
Russia now has 14 MEGA shopping center chain, including yekaterinburg shopping center covers an area of 130000 square meters, has 175 stores, shopping center, the total capacity of up to 4 million people, is the largest in the local shopping center. The continuous operation of fire fighting system is one of the key points for the large facilities designed to accommodate a large number of customers. The electric footpath adopts UPS backup, which avoids the personal danger caused by the sudden shutdown of the municipal power failure.
负责项目开发的经理Maria Kryazheva表示:“安装UPS系统的主要目标是确保叶卡捷琳堡最大的购物中心消费客人及员工的安全和便利。因此,我们付出大量心力挑选UPS厂商,考虑的重点包括系统可靠性以及厂商在大型项目实施上的专业能力。挑选台达,正是看中了他们在业界的品牌领导地位和值得信赖的产品可靠性。”