在2017汉诺威国际机床展(EMO 2017)上,西门子展示了其功能强大的、基于云的开放式物联网操作系统MindSphere在机床领域应用的多种连接和安装选项。西门子利用MindSphere上的“Manage MyMachines”应用程序,将展会现场来自140多家制造商的240多台不同的机床连接在一起。除此之外,如Heller等机床制造商还展示了基于MindSphere的全新服务和业务模式,以提高效率和生产率。
The digitization of machine tool operation by connecting MindSphere enables machine tool makers and operators to analyze and utilize a large number of machine tool data, which was not possible in the past. This improves the productivity of machine tools and production networks. MindSphere application has thus provided a starting point for the new application of machine tools and innovative digital services, such as preventive maintenance, energy data management and resource optimization. The openness of the MindSphere system is particularly important here, for example, using an open interface (API) to generate open connection standards for specific OEM and customer applications as well as OPC UA. MindSphere has thus laid the foundation for the development of new business models for machine tool makers and equipment manufacturers as well as new applications for machine tool users.
“参展的机床制造商对于将其机床与MindSphere相连所表现出来的强烈意愿,表明他们看到了基于云的数字化解决方案的潜力。我们的基于云的物联网操作系统为机床制造商赢得竞争优势提供了多种方式,充分利用其广博的专业知识,并且为机床操作员开发高性能的应用。这就为新的服务和业务模式奠定了基础。MindSphere因此成为了开发和应用全新数字化技术的关键,在合适的时间助力开发核心技术能力。”西门子股份公司运动控制事业部首席执行官Wolfgang Heuring博士在展会上表示。
The digitization of machine tool operation by connecting MindSphere enables machine tool makers and operators to analyze and utilize a large number of machine tool data, which was not possible in the past. This improves the productivity of machine tools and production networks. MindSphere application has thus provided a starting point for the new application of machine tools and innovative digital services, such as preventive maintenance, energy data management and resource optimization. The openness of the MindSphere system is particularly important here, for example, using an open interface (API) to generate open connection standards for specific OEM and customer applications as well as OPC UA. MindSphere has thus laid the foundation for the development of new business models for machine tool makers and equipment manufacturers as well as new applications for machine tool users.
通过连接MindSphere实现机床操作的数字化,使机床制造商和运营者能分析和利用大量的机床数据,这在以前是不可能实现的。这提高了机床效率和生产网络的生产力。MindSphere应用程序(MindApps)因此为机床全新应用和创新数字化服务提供了一个起点,比如在预防性维护、能源数据管理以及资源优化等方面。MindSphere系统的开放性在此尤为重要,例如,利用开放接口(API)生成针对具体OEM和客户的应用程序以及OPC UA这样的开放式连接标准。MindSphere因此为发展面向机床制造商和设备制造商的新业务模式以及面向机床用户的新应用领域奠定了基础。
The digitization of machine tool operation by connecting MindSphere enables machine tool makers and operators to analyze and utilize a large number of machine tool data, which was not possible in the past. This improves the productivity of machine tools and production networks. MindSphere application has thus provided a starting point for the new application of machine tools and innovative digital services, such as preventive maintenance, energy data management and resource optimization. The openness of the MindSphere system is particularly important here, for example, using an open interface (API) to generate open connection standards for specific OEM and customer applications as well as OPC UA. MindSphere has thus laid the foundation for the development of new business models for machine tool makers and equipment manufacturers as well as new applications for machine tool users.
The digitization of machine tool operation by connecting MindSphere enables machine tool makers and operators to analyze and utilize a large number of machine tool data, which was not possible in the past. This improves the productivity of machine tools and production networks. MindSphere application has thus provided a starting point for the new application of machine tools and innovative digital services, such as preventive maintenance, energy data management and resource optimization. The openness of the MindSphere system is particularly important here, for example, using an open interface (API) to generate open connection standards for specific OEM and customer applications as well as OPC UA. MindSphere has thus laid the foundation for the development of new business models for machine tool makers and equipment manufacturers as well as new applications for machine tool users.
除了西门子开发的MindApp“Manage MyMachines”应用程序之外,机床制造商及合作伙伴也在西门子展位展示了他们所开发的MindSphere应用程序。
Manage MyMachines--进入数字化业务的敲门砖
西门子针对与源讯合作开发的“Manage MyMachines”应用程序提供了一个插件:“Manage MyMachines/WorkingOrdering”。通过该插件可将“Manage MyMachines”应用程序与OEM具体的SAP ERP业务流程相连,“Manage MyMachines”也可以采集计划内的机床维护以及计划外的机器停机等信息。“Manage MyMachines/WorkingOrdering”可自动将这些事件与SAP ERP进行同步,将相关任务分配给服务人员。
“Manage MyMachines”能轻松快速地将Sinumerik 840D这样的机床数控系统与MindSphere相连,为用户提供来自联网机床的信息。该应用程序能采集、分析和显示相关机床数据,使用户能清晰地了解机床的当前以及历史状况,从而缩短机床停机时间,优化服务和维修流程,提高生产力。因此,“Manage MyMachines”为那些希望迅速向市场推出基于云的应用的机床制造商提供了理想选择。
作为与西门子合作的一部分,源讯针对MindSphere的应用理念和设计提供服务。源讯已经开发了6款MindApps,其中包括“Manufacturing Sustainability App”和“Production Confirmation App”。源讯利用MindApp将来自生产机床和不同管理系统的数据集成到MindSphere,数据在此进行收集和处理(采用大数据分析形式)。MindSphere用户因此可获得关于生产现状和预期状态的滚动信息以及针对具体位置的信息。源讯提供的即插即用型应用程序以及全面的集成、基础设施和安全服务为打造针对具体客户的MindSphere应用奠定了基础。其重点是开发出使MindSphere客户能无缝连接至其现有IT系统的即插即用型应用程序。