2017-10-24 15:54:02


The economic development of the Internet of things in the actual process, not only can achieve the overall goal of energy saving and emission reduction in our country, can also change and improve enterprise production management mode, production and operation process of the product into the rapid development of Internet, is the inevitable choice to improve industrial automation.


First in industrial applications, the Internet of things technology is a kind of systematic, to a very wide range of technologies, its industrial application are not limited to solve the problem of industrial network, and is able to provide for the development of a comprehensive Internet operating system solutions, it is based on a new dimension of communication integration, is conducive to further widen the channel of the application of industrial practice.


First in industrial applications, the Internet of things technology is a kind of systematic, to a very wide range of technologies, its industrial application are not limited to solve the problem of industrial network, and is able to provide for the development of a comprehensive Internet operating system solutions, it is based on a new dimension of communication integration, is conducive to further widen the channel of the application of industrial practice.


Second, the Internet of things is now widely used in energy-intensive industries such as power and chemical industry, which can effectively save energy and reduce emissions. The Internet of things can be monitored through sensing devices, and timely feedback on energy consumption and environmental status in the production process, thus providing important data support for energy conservation and emission reduction work.


Finally, for enterprise automation production, Internet of things can realize information management of products, not only can improve the product performance and functionality, but also can realize remote monitoring of product production, through the intelligent monitoring center, realize the real-time monitoring of the production environment, inject new vitality to the development of enterprises.




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