2017-11-02 17:30:43

Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.
Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.
Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.
    “无论什么规模的企业都热衷于通过数字化转型将自身打造成互联企业,但其中许多企业都苦于自身在实现基础设施的互联方面能力不足,”罗克韦尔自动化互联服务产品组合经理Sherman Joshua称,“他们通常会遭遇时间、人力和预算等多方面的问题。IaaS将交钥匙式网络解决方案与我们最高级别支持有机结合在一起,帮助他们缓解所面临的这些压力。”
Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.
Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.
    IDC提供在转换到虚拟环境时所需的所有硬件与软件,并旨在带来高可用性与容错能力。INDS 是一个打包的网络分布产品,可帮助最终用户在控制室与工厂基层之间建立高容量的安全连接。
Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.
Has safe steady network infrastructure for Internet companies want to improve the overall competitiveness, is of crucial importance.But for many companies, design, deploy, and maintain the infrastructure will be very complicated and very time consuming, and the cost of funds often is too high.To address these challenges, rockwell automation introduced infrastructure as a service (IaaS) products.



