Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
微软2017年度《混合云现状》(State of the Hybrid Cloud)报告显示,有63%的大中型企业已经实施了包含企业内部与公有云基础架构的混合云环境。思科最新发布的《全球云指标》(Global Cloud Index)预测,到2020年,92%的企业工作负载将在公有云与私有云数据中心内进行处理,物理数据中心的处理量将仅占8%。
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
实现这些目标并非易事。计算机安全分析师Graham Cluley曾说:“公有云只是别人的计算机。”虽然服务提供商理应为高性能与安全的应用提供强大基础,各企业仍须责无旁贷地承担与这些应用相关的流程安全性、可用性、性能和管理责任。更重要的是,企业应负责正确配置并管理由云服务商所提供的安全控制。
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.
Although different application service level agreements and user expectations is not the same (as long as you imagine training sandbox, and the differences between real-time online retail application), but the user experience is usually has two basic elements, namely the application performance and availability of services. When these two aspects are damaged, user dissatisfaction will quickly result in business loss.