2017-11-11 11:17:09

丹麦人机协作机器人专家优傲机器人公司打造的Universal Robots+ (简称UR+) 平台于近期迎来首个中国开发者——夹爪及传感器制造商拓德科技。在2017年中国国际工业博览会上,优傲机器人与拓德科技携手亮相,共同展示了UR+所能实现的快速高效解决方案。
Denmark man-machine collaboration, a proud roboticists optimal robot company to build a Universal Robots + +) (hereinafter referred to as UR platform in the near future for the first Chinese developer grip and sensor manufacturers Rio DE science and technology in 2017 China international industry fair, a proud optimal robot hand in hand with Rio DE science and technology, shows the common UR + can achieve fast and efficient solution
Denmark man-machine collaboration, a proud roboticists optimal robot company to build a Universal Robots + +) (hereinafter referred to as UR platform in the near future for the first Chinese developer grip and sensor manufacturers Rio DE science and technology in 2017 China international industry fair, a proud optimal robot hand in hand with Rio DE science and technology, shows the common UR + can achieve fast and efficient solution
Denmark man-machine collaboration, a proud roboticists optimal robot company to build a Universal Robots + +) (hereinafter referred to as UR platform in the near future for the first Chinese developer grip and sensor manufacturers Rio DE science and technology in 2017 China international industry fair, a proud optimal robot hand in hand with Rio DE science and technology, shows the common UR + can achieve fast and efficient solution

Denmark man-machine collaboration, a proud roboticists optimal robot company to build a Universal Robots + +) (hereinafter referred to as UR platform in the near future for the first Chinese developer grip and sensor manufacturers Rio DE science and technology in 2017 China international industry fair, a proud optimal robot hand in hand with Rio DE science and technology, shows the common UR + can achieve fast and efficient solution

Universal Robots+旨在为各方降低实现周期和成本的同时提高用户的使用体验。在UR+的平台上,获得认证的开发者们获得向全球展示自己产品的舞台;而集成商们可以获得一站式的软硬件解决方案,大大缩短项目集成周期和风险。



