建立创新的思维方式 提供广泛的技术选择
2017-11-13 16:00:00

In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.
作为轻金属铸造行业高端熔炉技术和应用的领导者,史杰克西自成立的那一天起,就为世界轻金属铸造行业高端熔炉技术领域树立起了一个创新、领先、精益求精的企业形象。2017年,史杰克西与轻金属铸造解决方案集团Light Metal Casting Solutions Group的其他子公司(意特佩雷斯、高斯和LMCS Tech)共同加盟全球领先的金属零件成型和表面处理技术供应商诺瑞肯集团。此次诺瑞肯集团对轻金属铸造解决方案集团的收购,也标志着史杰克西进入了一个新的发展阶段。
In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.

建立创新的思维方式 提供广泛的技术选择

In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.
In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.

深谙客户需求 引领铸造行业先进技术

In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.
“品牌追求的并非利益本身,而是客户。作为一家公司,我们需要在这方面走在前列,成为客户需要的铸造专家,这是帮助客户保持可持续发展的唯一途径。”诺瑞肯集团市场副总裁Vanessa Ashworth表示:“对于客户而言,工业4.0将是一个巨大的机遇。为了能够在更短的时间内以更低的成本来大幅度提高产出,我们需要掌握新兴的技术,为客户提供端到端的技术流程观点,在未来从最佳角度为客户提供支持。”
In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.
作为工业4.0的先锋,汽车工业是砂型铸造和轻金属压铸的重要推动力。在汽车行业,为减少二氧化碳排放,提高燃油效率,汽车轻量化已成为当今的主导潮流,而轻量化会使每辆汽车中的铝含量需求增加。 根据汽车工业报告,可以预计生产每辆汽车的铝用量将增加7%-8%,到2025年,铝材将占到汽车材料的19%。 史杰克西的铝制零件成型技术--熔化炉、保温炉和定量炉可有效地为客户提供更广泛的技术选择,以满足终端客户的需求。
In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.
In the industrial age, 4.0 as the foundation of industry, foundry industry is the important index to measure the degree of a regional industrial development.With the development of foundry technology progress and the market demand for casting, casting raw material, casting and casting production technology related standards are also changing so much, advanced technology can effectively solve the problem of material shortage and technological backwardness, so as to promote casting industry is booming.




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