2017-11-15 16:21:48

Promote the development of the use of renewable energy and is an important content of the construction of ecological civilization, promote the policy has been issued for renewable energy.National energy administration of new energy and renewable energy division deputy director Liang Zhipeng said that industrial energy consumption is the key of renewable energy development, at present is 70% of the energy consumption by industrial enterprises, to shift the energy consumption structure, can be used in industry must make a change.
It is reported that the national development and reform commission released by policy, the future will be coal and renewable power development as a whole, the against and dissolving coal excess capacity of the risk and promote the organic combination of renewable power orderly development, to ensure that in 2020 the national production of coal plants control within 1.1 billion kilowatts. In addition, we will coordinate the development and construction of renewable energy and the market, and make sure that the annual renewable energy generation will be built on the basis of the reduction of the power limit.
At the same time, we will promote the participation of renewable energy in marketization, and encourage the adoption of market-oriented exchanges. We will establish an incentive mechanism for renewable energy electric power and improve the mechanism for the formation of a renewable energy grid.




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