2017-11-22 16:28:19

The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.
The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.
The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.

The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.
The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.

The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.
The development of iron and steel manufacturing turning point has arrived.As of the issuance of "made in China 2025" plan for intelligent manufacturing as a new generation of production mode, cause the thinking of the iron and steel industry.How to make use of smart technology to build "Internet +" system of industrial production, promote the industrial convergence, build the whole process of intelligent manufacturing system, urged the industry transformation and upgrading, to become the development focus on the core of the iron and steel enterprises.



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