2017-12-01 16:16:41


High quality oil pump/electronic integration solutions in the field of oil pump assembly test response industrial comprehensive upgrade requirements of 4.0, with high-end manufacturing technology localization as own duty, hastening the development of auto parts manufacturing industry automation and intelligent.


High quality oil pump/electronic integration solutions in the field of oil pump assembly test response industrial comprehensive upgrade requirements of 4.0, with high-end manufacturing technology localization as own duty, hastening the development of auto parts manufacturing industry automation and intelligent.

    油泵/电子油泵装配检测线关键工序包括自动装叶片、开启压力测试、电机性 能检测、端面间隙检测。高品G-LMS产线智能管理系统实时采集工序过程中的数据,实现关键要素的全面记录以及完备的数据和质量追溯。

High quality oil pump/electronic integration solutions in the field of oil pump assembly test response industrial comprehensive upgrade requirements of 4.0, with high-end manufacturing technology localization as own duty, hastening the development of auto parts manufacturing industry automation and intelligent.


 High quality oil pump/electronic integration solutions in the field of oil pump assembly test response industrial comprehensive upgrade requirements of 4.0, with high-end manufacturing technology localization as own duty, hastening the development of auto parts manufacturing industry automation and intelligent.


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