2017-12-07 16:25:02


On December 6-8, 2017 world conference on intelligent manufacturing kicks off in nanjing.Global leading manufacturer in electronic manufacturing and industrial automation revealed intelligent manufacturing blueprint, conjunction "poly, melting, gen," the conference theme, on display again new "smart manufacturing model line"


In recent years, in through the strategic acquisition to strengthen the combination of soft and hard power, active intelligent manufacturing and green building layout, can provide customers with intelligent devices to intelligent production, to the intelligent facility operation, intelligent logistics integrated solutions, gradually to meet the future needs a small amount of diversity, flexibility is mixed production line


In recent years, in through the strategic acquisition to strengthen the combination of soft and hard power, active intelligent manufacturing and green building layout, can provide customers with intelligent devices to intelligent production, to the intelligent facility operation, intelligent logistics integrated solutions, gradually to meet the future needs a small amount of diversity, flexibility is mixed production line


On December 6-8, 2017 world conference on intelligent manufacturing kicks off in nanjing.Global leading manufacturer in electronic manufacturing and industrial automation revealed intelligent manufacturing blueprint, conjunction "poly, melting, gen," the conference theme, on display again new "smart manufacturing model line"


On December 6-8, 2017 world conference on intelligent manufacturing kicks off in nanjing.Global leading manufacturer in electronic manufacturing and industrial automation revealed intelligent manufacturing blueprint, conjunction "poly, melting, gen," the conference theme, on display again new "smart manufacturing model line"




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