2017-12-12 16:36:32

    12月7日,一年一度的“2017中国智能建筑品牌奖”榜单随着第十八届中国建筑智能化峰会的落幕顺利揭晓。台达集团旗下两大楼控品牌——LOYTEC和Delta Controls凭借着领先的建筑智能化解决方案、优异的市场表现,双双荣获 “2017年度十大楼宇自控品牌奖”,成为本年度评选中的最大赢家。

In group, attain the dentsu co., LTD., general manager of scholar said, to keep up with the rapid development of intelligent building construction market in using itself product research and development and technological innovation, vital to create a series of the overall energy-saving solutions for intelligent building, for customers to provide more safe and comfortable environment, efficient, reliable, green energy-saving buildings. The award represents a high level of customer recognition for tda. With the further integration of LOYTEC, Delta Controls and jingrui brands and businesses, the automation of taida building will definitely enter a new level.

    台达集团-中达电通股份有限公司总经理游文人表示,顺应智能楼宇建筑市场的高速发展,台达运用本身产品研发与技术创新,切身打造了针对智能楼宇的一系列整体节能解决方案,为客户提供更多安全舒适、高效可靠、绿色节能的建筑环境。此次获奖代表了客户对台达的高度认可。随着对LOYTEC、Delta Controls以及晶睿等品牌和业务的进一步整合,台达楼宇自动化必将步入一个新的高度。

In group, attain the dentsu co., LTD., general manager of scholar said, to keep up with the rapid development of intelligent building construction market in using itself product research and development and technological innovation, vital to create a series of the overall energy-saving solutions for intelligent building, for customers to provide more safe and comfortable environment, efficient, reliable, green energy-saving buildings. The award represents a high level of customer recognition for tda. With the further integration of LOYTEC, Delta Controls and jingrui brands and businesses, the automation of taida building will definitely enter a new level.

    近年来,台达集团大力发展楼宇自动化,并不断通过并购的方式增加自己在楼宇自动化方面的实力。2016年4月,台达以80亿元新台币(约16亿人民币)并购了两家知名的楼宇自动化企业,即LOYTEC和Delta Controls;2017年8月又公开并购晶睿的55%股份,迅速成长为楼宇自控行业的新生力量。

In group, attain the dentsu co., LTD., general manager of scholar said, to keep up with the rapid development of intelligent building construction market in using itself product research and development and technological innovation, vital to create a series of the overall energy-saving solutions for intelligent building, for customers to provide more safe and comfortable environment, efficient, reliable, green energy-saving buildings. The award represents a high level of customer recognition for tda. With the further integration of LOYTEC, Delta Controls and jingrui brands and businesses, the automation of taida building will definitely enter a new level.


In group, attain the dentsu co., LTD., general manager of scholar said, to keep up with the rapid development of intelligent building construction market in using itself product research and development and technological innovation, vital to create a series of the overall energy-saving solutions for intelligent building, for customers to provide more safe and comfortable environment, efficient, reliable, green energy-saving buildings. The award represents a high level of customer recognition for tda. With the further integration of LOYTEC, Delta Controls and jingrui brands and businesses, the automation of taida building will definitely enter a new level.

    Delta Controls则主要开发BACnet通信协议的楼宇自动化产品,并在暖通空调应用上具有领先的优势。截至目前,Delta Controls业务在中国市场已成功实施了2000多个楼宇自控项目,包含医疗、酒店、交通运输以及超高层建筑等。

In group, attain the dentsu co., LTD., general manager of scholar said, to keep up with the rapid development of intelligent building construction market in using itself product research and development and technological innovation, vital to create a series of the overall energy-saving solutions for intelligent building, for customers to provide more safe and comfortable environment, efficient, reliable, green energy-saving buildings. The award represents a high level of customer recognition for tda. With the further integration of LOYTEC, Delta Controls and jingrui brands and businesses, the automation of taida building will definitely enter a new level.


 In group, attain the dentsu co., LTD., general manager of scholar said, to keep up with the rapid development of intelligent building construction market in using itself product research and development and technological innovation, vital to create a series of the overall energy-saving solutions for intelligent building, for customers to provide more safe and comfortable environment, efficient, reliable, green energy-saving buildings. The award represents a high level of customer recognition for tda. With the further integration of LOYTEC, Delta Controls and jingrui brands and businesses, the automation of taida building will definitely enter a new level.


